Error after following installation steps


Have the same issue:
Reading data/lm/lm.binary


terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘lm::FormatLoadException’

what(): native_client/kenlm/lm/ in void lm::ReadARPACounts(util::FilePiece&, std::vector<long unsigned int>&) threw FormatLoadException.

first non-empty line was “version” not \data. Byte: 43


Tried to fix it, but probably did it wrong, what I did,
git clone
/git-lfs$ pip install git-lfs


Installing collected packages: git-lfs

Successfully installed git-lfs-1.5

In spite of reading the readme, not sure I understand it well

So could someone please help me ?


That’s not what you are supposed to do. In the documentation, we do link to Git-LFS’s website, so you should follow their instructions to set-it-up.

I don’t know where you got that pip install git-lfs, but it’s not what the document, so you still don’t have git-lfs properly installed and thus not the language model file.

I m very sorry … don t manage to install it … new into this … so forgive me if some remarks or questions sound ‘stupid’
if someone would be prepared to just list me the steps from going to website
have to install it on a ubuntu server
so I should clone it there ,
git clone + followed by the right version … (linux 386 ?) not sure what to take …

git clone

if someone is prepared to share commands used with me … I would be very grateful

What’s wrong with the big “Install” button on their first page? It gets you to with all the instructions.