Error: Trie file version mismatch (4 instead of expected 3). Update your trie file

I tried to build own language model from own vocabulary.txt and use it for inference from acoustic model v0.5.0
Here is what I did:
lm.binary generation using kenlm(so far nothing to do with deepspeech)
to generate trie (and not to have to compile everything) I used
See: which says: python util/ --target .
I had checked out v0.5.0 branch.
./generate_trie alphabet.txt /path-to-own/lm.binary ./output-path/trie

then inference with deepspeech (pip install deepspeech) will result in error: trie mismatch, but continue with inference and so the generated lm.binary will not be used

But, if you use the generate_trie file packed in native_client.tar.gz, like you have said so in this thread, everything will work fine.
So, I think either I’m missing something here, or needs to be updated or is to blame

Also see: Tune MoziilaDeepSpeech to recognize specific sentences
