Errors with using

Can someone please tell me how to use Deepspeech’s

I created a venv with python3.6 and cloned Deepspeech (v0.6.0) into my folder. I’m trying to run but no matter what commands I use or how many additional libraries/packages I install, I’m still not able to run it. I’m sorry if this is vague but could anyone point me to a resource that can show me how this will work? The errors I’m receiving are similar to this: Error while trying to transcrible wav file with

Please kindly help. I’ve tried my best to read the docs as much as possible, but I just can’t seem to find any resource that can get this file to work.

This project is not what it used to be, head over to instead. You’ll find help there.

I see. Thank you for that, but is still usable? I have been working on a project on this for so long and i would really appreciate if there are resources for this too please

To be more specific, this is my issue now

This is the command i’m using:

python3 --src sample_audio_file.wav --scorer deepspeech-0.9.3-models.scorer

I Could not find best validating checkpoint.
I Could not find most recent checkpoint.
E All initialization methods failed (['best', 'last']).

Please help :frowning:

Have you asked in their gitter yet?

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