Extensiontest.com stopped working?

I’m getting an “application error” when I try to open https://extensiontest.com/, the tool by Mozilla to help convert chrome extensions to be Firefox compatible. (More info here: https://extensionworkshop.com/documentation/develop/porting-a-google-chrome-extension/).

However, I tried visiting the site on a few different devices and keep getting this error. Anyone have a solution or a workaround?

Hey @Abu-Bakr thank you for the heads up, looking into this.

No problem. I hears someone say this:

The server replies 503 error, which means they are likely upgrading it. Especially considering it’s Sunday, so perfect day with low traffic for some server maintenance :slight_smile:


Not sure if it helps, but thought I might put it here

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Thank you for that detail; I am not sure if that is the exact issue as being down days for server maintenance doesn’t feel right.

OK, that site should be back up now - thank you for bringing it to my attn.

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