Firefox 57 - useful WebExtensions and Legacy extensions alternatives

Many legacy extensions I love and use very often are not working on Nightly 57. They won’t be working on Firefox 57 and higher. Let us have a discussion on what extensions are people using on Nightly and what are some alternatives of popular legacy extensions.

I wasn’t really using a lot of extensions in the last year or so. Here’s what I use now / look for an alternative:

  • uBlock Origin (beta version works well)
  • HTTPS Everywhere (is there an alternative?)

Apart from that I’m using the latest Test Pilot experiments and that’s it.

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I was just going through uBlock Origin Beta version at I will switch to it. Thanks.
I found this Smart HTTPS (, but haven’t tried it.


There actually is a WebExtensions version of HTTPS Everywhere for some time. Not sure what blocks them to release it to AMO.

Yes, Seems they released a stable version of it yesterday “https-everywhere-2017.8.15-eff.xpi”.

Can be downloaded from here

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Hi, thought I could give some hopeful thought to coping with FF57.
I have been traveling this FF57 update issue the last week as a deep system FF user. I have more than 10 FF profiles with different extension sets and up to 25 extensions in some profiles. I was almost in need of anxiety remedies looking at what would happen. Unfortunately it took most of my time in last week to cope with this process but surprisingly I feel now it will be better in the long run. I really had gone overboard in Tab groups management and it lead to FF slowing and crashes. But even that still made FF better than other browsers.
I only had at most 10% of my extensions compatible as of one week ago and the very best of them had said they would not be updating. I could not find any updates that came close to replacing more than a few % of their functionality so I looked at the best extensions being lost.
Well I found enough new compatible extensions to replace most of my function needs. But now I have to install multiple new compatible extensions to replace the very least of functionality of the best extensions I used before. I have now up to 100 extensions in some profiles but not the same functionality.
But I have got to an acceptance level of what will work for me if not as well a before and that will cost me a lot of functionality and particularly efficiency of browser usage.
But these browser developments I feel will bring me compensatory stability and speed. I just now hope that the community of extension developers will, as in the past, do what they do fantastically and fill the gaps in due course.
I truly feel sorry for those extension developers that did such hard work to build my very best extensions in the past and understand that it is too much of us to ask them to massively invest for massive recoding work. I just hope new coders come on board and fill the gap.
If anyone wants my list of extensions now setup, you can see them here. Please beware that some of this list are likely to be discarded as I have not had time yet to really test them all out. They are listed in reverse hierarchy of several levels of FF profile types.
└── secure
├── browser_security-2.0.4-an+fx.xpi
├── clear_cache-3.1-fx.xpi
├── clear_cache_and_data-1.7-an+fx.xpi
├── empty_cache_button-3.3-an+fx.xpi
├── firefox_multi_account_containers-4.0.3-fx.xpi
├── no_script_suite_lite_revived-0.2.7-an+fx.xpi
├── sea_containers-0.8-an+fx-linux.xpi
├── std-general
│ ├── adblock_for_firefox-3.6.0-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ ├── art_up_your_tab-1.1.0-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── autoplay_no_more-0.3.4-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── bookmark_301_updater-1.3-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── bookmark_dupes-0.1-fx.xpi
│ ├── bookmarksintab-1.0.3-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── bookmarks_organizer_webextension-1.3.0-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── bulk_media_downloader-0.2.0-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── bypass_paywalls-1.0.9-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── context_plus-0.4.2-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ ├── copyfish-2.8.2-fx.xpi
│ ├── copy_plaintext-1.5-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── crappy_firetitle-0.1.2-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── cryptostop-2.2-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── disable_html5_autoplay-2017.8.20-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ ├── disconnect-5.18.21-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ ├── docs_online_viewer-5.5.5-fx.xpi
│ ├── do_not_auto_activate_pinned_tabs-4.1-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── download_virus_checker-0.1.1-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── dummy_form_filler-1.2.3-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── duplicate_tab_shortcut-1.1.0-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── enable_right_click_and_copy-2017.4.12-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── feedbro-3.31.4-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ ├── foxytab-2.10-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ ├── ghostery-
│ ├── google_redesigned-4.0.3-fx.xpi
│ ├── google_reverse_image_search-61.4-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── google_scholar_button-2.0-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── https_everywhere-2017.10.30-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── incognito_this_tab-0.0.5-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ ├── javascript_control-1.0-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── load_progress_bar-0.2-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── magic_actions_for_youtubetm-
│ ├── merge_windows-1.0.2-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ ├── mutetab-0.0.2-fx.xpi
│ ├── new_tab_tools-84.1-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── nosquint_plus-62.0-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── open_image_in_a_new_tab-0.1-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── open_in_opera-0.1.5-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── open_in_pdf_reader-0.1.1-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── open_in_tor_browser-0.1.1-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── open_in_vivaldi-0.1.5-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── open_in_vlc_media_player-0.1.5-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── open_tabs_next_to_current-2.0.8-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── open_with_google_chrome-62.0-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── overview-0.5.0-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ ├── pinned_tabs_fix-2.1.0-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── plugin_checker-10.1-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── print_edit_we-20.0-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── print_friendly_pdf-2.2.0-fx-linux.xpi
│ ├── privacy_badger-2017.10.25.1-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── proper_menubar-
│ ├── requestpolicy-0.5.28-sm+fx.xpi
│ ├── s3google_translator-6.1-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── save_as_pdf-1.11-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── save_page_we-7.5-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── scroll_to_top-4.7.2-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ ├── search_image-0.1.3-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── search_site_we-2.1-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── shortcuts_for_googletm_products-1.1.7-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── sidebar_for_googletm_search-0.1.0-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── sidebar-webpage-addon-0.0.4-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ ├── simple_form_fill-2.1.4-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── std-finance
│ │ ├── finance_toolbar-
│ │ └── lilo-3.0-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── std-shop
│ │ ├── amazon_assistant_for_firefox-10.1710.3.1223-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── ebay_for_firefox-5.3.0-an+fx.xpi
│ │ └── ebay_item_location_my_country_only-1.1.10-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── tab_auto_refresh-0.1.1-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── tab_count_icon-0.7.1-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── tab_reloader_page_reloader-0.2.1-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── tabs2txt-1.1-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ ├── tab_session_manager-1.3.3-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── tab_workspaces-1.2.0-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ ├── tabzen-1.2.2-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ ├── terms_of_service_didnt_read-0.4.1-fx.xpi
│ ├── to_google_translate-2.2-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── tree_tabs-0.0.16-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ ├── undo_close_tab_button-1.7-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── video_downloader_professional-1.98.2-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── webdev
│ │ ├── broken_resources_finder-1.1-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── colorzilla-3.3-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── copy_page_address_webextensions-1.0-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── cross_domain_cors-0.1.1-fx.xpi
│ │ ├── d2_developer_documentation-0.1.5-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ │ ├── devtools_media_panel-1.2-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── distill_web_monitor-1.6.34-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── dont_touch_my_tabs_relnoopener-1.0-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── firefox_lightbeam-2.0.4-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ │ ├── font_inspector_webextension-0.1.1-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── fresh_dom_tree_view-1.8.0-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── image_customized_search-1.0-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── javascript_toggle_on_and_off_webextension-0.1.8-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── live_server_web_extension-1.0.0-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ │ ├── media_converter_and_muxer_webextension-0.1.5-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── open_with-6.8.5-fx+sm+tb.xpi
│ │ ├── pagespeed_insights-
│ │ ├── perfectpixel-1.88-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ │ ├── reload_without_cache-1.0-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ │ ├── rgblind-1.0.3-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── scdl_soundcloud_downloader-2.21-fx.xpi
│ │ ├── scrippy-1.6-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ │ ├── seoquake_seo_extension-3.6.1-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── similarweb_website_traffic_sources_and_ranking-4.3.80-fx.xpi
│ │ ├── tineye_reverse_image_search-1.3.2-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ │ ├── toggle_web_developer_toolbar-61.3-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── vimeo_free_downloader-1.0.3-fx+an.xpi
│ │ ├── webapi_manager-0.9.6-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── webcontrol-1.1.0-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ │ ├── web_developer_checklist-1.8.6-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── web_paint-1.2.6-an+fx.xpi
│ │ ├── whatruns-1.5.8-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ │ ├── wordpress_toolbar-61.2-an+fx.xpi
│ │ └── xdebug_webext-1.1.0-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── wikiwand_webextension_port-0.3-an+fx.xpi
│ ├── window_saver-1.4-an+fx-linux.xpi
│ └── zoomimage_-1.1-an+fx-linux.xpi
├── tab_openclose_control-0.0.3-an+fx.xpi
├── ublock_origin-1.14.16-an+fx.xpi
└── web_of_trust_mywotwot_website_reputation_rating-20171020.0wot-an+fx.xpi

Thanks for sharing the list.

For those who used CheckFox to check/uncheck/invert many checkboxes with one click, there is a WebExtension based replacement:

Losing Download Statusbar is a big hassle, and FireFTP is an important one.

I don’t get why this was suddenly rammed down our throats - I wouldn’t have upgraded knowing these two would be lost.

I have a huge Bookmarks array - more than 30 Mb with intricate folders-subfolders structure. When I found some bookmark in it - I cannot locate the whole folders hierarchy it belongs to. Only the deepest folder. Firefox has not such indications. Until the 57.0 there was excellent add-on: Show Parent Folder 2.1.1 By Alice0775. It worked perfectly up to version 56. But in FF v. 57 it was considered legacy, disabled and nothing similar was not proposed. I found many FF users who suffer from this flaw. Some of them plan to switch to Opera or Chrome. I switched back to FF 56.0.2. I think that complete parent folders hierarchy structure should be indicated within the basic program - not through the help of add-ons which live their own dramatic life.

Yes. I too feel that bookmarks manager is not very user-friendly as is now. I’ll check if there any improvements on the way.