First submission First attempt "Structure webpage"

Above is the link to my code
Have used all the semantics and fetched CSS into HTML and requesting for any comment on how i can improve this.
Am having issues with section and aside tags because have failed to place the photos in the sides.
Gladly waiting for any feedback thanks

Hi @samkuteesa

You post was in the wrong category, so I didn’t see it earlier. Always make sure you post to “MDN Learn”.

The <header> shouldn’t replace <h1>, but should be around <h1>, <img> and <nav>. All theses elements are part of the header.

<article> should end before <aside> begins and you could put <main> around <article> and <aside>.

Here is how the basic structure may look:

I hope that helps. Feel free to ask questions. :slightly_smiling_face:

finally got it thanks alot Miko

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Great improvements!
Now it’s perfect. :+1: