French sentences

Hi everyone!

I have been following discussions about this awesome project for quite a while. As a Swiss data scientist, I am quite happy to see the multilanguage update coming to other languages, especially for French and German.

I might have missed some discussions, but I did not find a formal process to give sentences. As suggested in many posts/issues, I will therefore use this topic as a placeholder. In this Gist, I have collected 300 sentences from my own novels. I plan to generate more samples in the near future, to provide more “realistic” speech excerpts. Everything under CC-0, obviously.

Moreover, I am curious to see whether there are French-speaking fellows already working on this. I must admit that I did not go through social networks related to this project :wink:


Hello, here is the website from which you can upload new sentences :
It was initially used for the Mozilla sprint but will stay active for a time.

You should read the How-to-contribute part before going in ‘Upload’ on the top right.

Thanks for your contribution !

PS : Je suis français et j’ai contribué environ 120 phrases pour l’instant. Je pense qu’on est un certain nombre à en proposer ^^.


Thank you, I was not aware of this page! Sentences uploaded :slight_smile:

Is there any discussion group for French? I seem to recall there is a Slack channel somewhere, though… I would really like to collaborate more thoroughly in this adventure. Surtout s’il y a beaucoup de francophone, cela avancera rapidement !

Also, when is this sprint supposed to end? Can we help validate the sentences?

I’m not aware of any discussion group yet but I’d like to join one too !
The sprint ended on the 11th but the site will remain active until something better replaces it.
I don’t know what is the validation process for sentences but I’d like to help on that too !

I hope to see new languages coming out soon !

If you are interested in french, you should look at that page : :slight_smile:

Oh nice, thank you! There should be more visibility for these language-specific communities :wink:

Sure, but we are still in the process of building them so focused on other things :slight_smile:


Wish to tell that I am involved voice-sprint project and contributing to both English and French sentences. I have already proofread several sentences since.

Wish you all a good job!



Thanks for your proof-reading. We should have more string coming soon, extracted from Project Gutenberg.

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