I have completed the two sections on Introducing a complete toolchain & Deploying our app. Everything basically works but I have two issues that I have not been able to resolve.
1.) When I change the code, such as changing “near misses” to “pig flying”, I have to run the add/commit/push cycle to push the code to GitHub twice before the change appears on the live site on Netlify. The first commit works on 4 files & the first push enumerates 21 objects, however, the change does not appear live. The second commit works on 1 file and the second push enumerates 7 objects, and then the change appears. I have tested this twice with the same results both times.
2.) The tutorial chooses to work with npm instead of yarn. However, installing parcel-bundler appears to invoke yarn resulting in the two package managers competing for control of the project. It doesn’t appear that this can be easily avoided, although I have not set the project up from scratch again while paying particular attention to the installation of parcel stage to determine if this can be avoided. Has anyone else encountered this issue with this tutorial? Could it be related to fact that when I initially installed parcel its instructions called for it to be installed globally, so I have a global and local installation?