How old is Mozilla Rep program? A brief timeline

Hi Mozillians,

We tend to think that Rep program is turning into 10 in this year, but after some research, we found that we’re not that old yet - we’re 8 after Feb.

Here are some historical timelines.

May 2010 - The beginning of the idea

William Quiviger (community manager from Europe at the time) started to develop the idea about Rep during the Balkan Inter-Community Meetup in Skopje.

H2 2010

Pierros joined as a paid-staff to developed the program.

9 Feb 2011

The first wiki page about Rep was created.

12 Feb 2011 - The considerable date that Rep program officially started.

William published the v1.0 slide about the Rep program to the wiki,

Another earlier planning stage docs also published on Wiki.

24 April 2011

The first Rep Council meeting that we can found (too bad that the meeting notes gone with earlier etherpad.)

June 2011

The first batch of Reps listed on the portal.

8-10 July 2011

First Council work week in Paris.

July 2011

14 monthly reports had filed. (Yes we was having monthly reports to fill for the first few years.)

24-26 Feb 2012

Council Work Week in Athens.

6-8 June 2012

ReMo Camp 2012 in Berlin.

23 Jan 2013

The Reps Module had been created.

Feb - March 2013

First Council elections give birth to the Third Council.

Feb 2015

A 4-years project review on Rep blog.

Check when had you learn about Reps! Try to search this in your Gmail inbox - ReMo before:2013/1/1

(mine oldest is on 26 Aug 2011)


Thanks for the clarification on this, Irvin. Good to finally know the history behind the Reps program as no one seems to really talk about this thing anymore. :b

Thanks for all the research! This is great :slight_smile:

The first time I heard about the Reps program was August 22nd, 2011 when I met @hmitsch for the first time. And then I joined in November 2012, so it took Henrik more than a year to convince me to join :wink:


The first time I hear about the program was at the MozCamp :argentina: LATAM 2012. I met @williamq and he talk about this amazing program which such passion that I really want to be part of.

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Playing hard to get :smile:

In mails I have “next step to join the Mozilla Reps program” by @williamq Quiviger on Mon, Oct 3, 2011
So I guess somewhere before that I have heard first of it.

My answer to this is:

This is my Reps application bug, filed 2011-06-15 11:03 PDT. :smile:


I remember talking with William at an airport back from a Mozilla event I attended as a volunteer, and how he explained the need for a program to support core contributors who were mobilizing local communities and how much impact we could unleash by a formal support to all our activities. Good memories :smiley:

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I remember that we started using mozilla wiki to report about the mozilla rep program :flushed: Since 2011 but when the program migrate to the new portal I had to send my application form to mozilla rep, it was in 2012 after MozLATAM :thinking:

Hi all, i join the reps program since 2011 and i have good memories about my trajectory during these years. I really appreciate this program and I hope it continues for many more years. :grinning: is my first swag application, from 2011-06-20 - so you beat me by a few days :wink:
I have some emails with William about a swag thing from about 6 weeks or so earlier but that was probably too early for the bugzilla swag request component to be up.

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It’s a good old memory. Just checking out my Application Form to Reps program ( submitted on June 20th, 2011.

Time flies so fast.