I understand that this is alpha software, and will not be as accurate today as it is later and that you don’t want to give people a bad impression of deepspeech from an unfinished version.
That said I would really like to get it working and try it out! I am not sure exactly what to do as this particular line from the readme is failing:
$ deepspeech output_model.pb my_audio_file.wav alphabet.txt lm.binary trie
Not found: output_model.pb; No such file or directory
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'util::ErrnoException'
what(): native_client/kenlm/util/file.cc:76 in int util::OpenReadOrThrow(const char*) threw ErrnoException because `-1 == (ret = open(name, 00))'.
No such file or directory while opening lm.binary
Aborted (core dumped)
perhaps there are some extra data files I need to download?
Thanks for any advice you have!