I have lost all functionality in my Yahoo icons

I have used Yahoo for 20 years perfectly. Since using your addon ā€œtheme font size changerā€ I have lost my Yahoo icons. They show as little blobs (squares with some letters and numbers in them) which ignore most clicks.

In fact, while Iā€™m typing this I see 12 same looking squares above. They show

ES 32 33 Cl 0E 21 93 etc

I have written for support, got a response asking for more info and nothing else for months.

Has anyone else have this? And is it ever going to be corrected? :frowning:

I realise Yahoo has something to do with this as has your forum but things worked before I used your addon and donā€™t work now so I reckon your addon is doing something wrong???

Can you share screenshot. Can you also link to the addon. If possible can you email that addon auhtor? thats the best way to get support for an addon. Us here are not the support team for all the addons in the market place but weā€™ll do what we can to help you out.

Here are some snapshotsā€¦
There are 10 kinds of people in the world:- People who know binary and people who donā€™t.

That looks like disabled JavaScript. Can you check whether JavaScript is enabled? Also, try disabling all add-ons and see if it works then.

Hi Andreas,
Disabling ALL my addons is a big step so I will have to do it when I have a bit more time (in case it makes everything worse) :frowning:
There are 10 kinds of people in the world:- People who know binary and people who donā€™t.

Right, there is no way to disable this addon!? It doesnā€™t appear in the list of addons! The only thing I can do is remove it from the top RHS of the screen and that didnā€™t fix it.
Iā€™m sorry, you seem to me to be some sort of ā€œclearing houseā€? You donā€™t actually provide support to the ā€œFont Size Changerā€?
Wouldnā€™t it be better I I actually address my problem directly to them?
I STILL donā€™t have any icons on my Yahoo (and other Apps).
In fact I have NOW lost the ā€œDeleteā€ ā€œMoveā€ ā€œSpamā€ and ā€œMoreā€ boxes too :frowning:
There are 10 kinds of people in the world:- People who know binary and people who donā€™t.

Sending you another example, this time of YOUR own site. This the end of one post and the start of the nextā€¦
There are 10 kinds of people in the world:- People who know binary and people who donā€™t.

Are you saying the ā€œFont Size Changerā€ Add-on is causing this? Where did you install it from?

20 years with Yahoo - no problems. Install Font Size Changer - No iconsā€¦ Draw your own conclusion.
I donā€™t have a clue where I installed it from. It came up, I thought it looked good, I installed it and have regretted it ever since :frowning:
Sorry, I didnā€™t attach the example from your siteā€¦
There are 10 kinds of people in the world:- People who know binary and people who donā€™t.

What is the exact name of the add-on? Is it https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/theme-font-size-changer/?

Have you tried https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/add-ons-and-extensions-faq#w_how-do-i-disable-or-uninstall-an-add-on ?

This is the requester that comes up when I click on itsā€™ iconā€¦
If this is a different one then I apologiseā€¦ There are 10 kinds of people in the world:- People who know binary and people who donā€™t.

Hi, No further comment? Are you even going to look into the matter? So the same as before? A couple of responses then forget it? :frowning:

Most probably because you didnā€™t answer all of the questions you have been asked.

Any further comment or is that it?

Aside: TheOne you got a stressful job man :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have diligently answered everything I have been asked. Any omission is unintended. The last question was answered with a snapshot (2 actually accidentally) :slight_smile: of the App requester?



Can you post a screenshot of your add-on manager?

Is this what you want? :slight_smile:

Not sure, is there also one listed in ā€œExtensionsā€?
Either way you should disable everything with that same and see if that resolves your issue.