If there is any possible ways is there to add my audio vocab.txt binaries into pretrained binaries for our deepspeech?

Well you should be able to augment the language model that way

yes sir i already did this. i follow their instruction,

TUTORIAL : How I trained a specific french model to control my robot
i followed this sir instructions and then `


my own audio files vocab.txt.
alphabet.txt .
create a csv files like audio_file_dev.csv, audio_file_test.csv, audio_file_train.csv
i create my audio file vocab.txt --> lm.arpa --> lm.binary & trie

i run a DeepSpeech.py
it will generate a output_model.pb.

i test that output_model.pb, it not given a good results sir.

what i have to do ? if i will use my output_model.pb it not form speech sentence. it will display one or two technical term trained words only.

i was tried to implemented language model, but it is not working. because of amount of data is very less(50 audio files). so it is not gave a proper result.

so second i tried to implemented a continues fine tuning, it is only accept preddefined your deepspeech binary files(ex: lm.binary, trie). it is not predict my audio technical term words.

what i do sir? help me. thank you sir.