Ok, I think I have a handle on the problem. I created a python script that simple imports deepspeech and I run that using cdb. The libdeepspeech.so library has an illegal instruction in it, I assume this is AVX as I’ve seen post relating to that. I ran coreinfo from sysinternals and verified that the board does not support AVX, the processor should as it is a i7 960.
Question is can I run deepspeech without AVX? I’m trying to use it as a stt server for a mycroft assistant.
I have a similar error working on an IIS webApp that use traditional CGI and python on a Windows 10 Enterprise workstation. If I try to execute something that uses pymssql, pyodbc, etc. I get the importError: DLL load failed. However, I can execute the exact same server-side code on our production Windows 2016 IIS server from Firefox. It only fails in Firefox on my Windows 10 workstation with a localhost url.
The same localhost url targeting Python CGI through IIS works fine on a Chrome based browser. So my workaround has been to switch Browsers for Python CGI code.