"Mozilla splash page" assessment

3 posts were split to a new topic: CSS Layout questions

Hi Chris, I just finished the Mozilla Splash Page Assessment. I discovered the video I embedded from YouTube doesn’t play (disabled) anytime I use the sandbox attribute on the <iframe> element.

However, if I removed the sandbox attribute, it would play. I even tried using the allow-scripts value on the attribute; it still didn’t work.

It is probably something to do with the YouTube API not allowing its usage, for various reasons. I don’t know exactly why - something to do with security, and Google’s wish to regulate how the content is manipulated.

So I am learning here that solving the problems is the part of the creative work as a web developer or any occupation related to this world of internet where people Explore, Learn, Apply, Create and Contribute. Great !

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Hey there! Glad to hear that we are helping you to learn. Please let us know if you have any questions.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: I have some questions as a Learning web development form beginner stage

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: “Silly story generator” assessment

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: “Silly story generator” assessment

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: “Fundamental CSS comprehension” assessment

Dear Mozilla,

First off, thank you for providing the excellent “Learn Web Development” tutorial and associated MDN resources. Phenomenal stuff.

I was wondering if you could provide some general feedback on my Mozilla-splash-page exercise. I noticed it doesn’t scale very well past < ~360px when inspected in responsive design mode (words / icons get truncated, go off screen) despite example solution picture being 321.5px and looking fine. Is that a default behavior or do I need to make some significant changes?


Any input appreciated.

Kind Regards
Martin P.

Hi Martin,

Thanks for getting in touch. I’m so happy that you are enjoying the learning material :wink:

For the Splash Page example, your version looks really good, pretty much identical in output to our example! Well done.

the reason it starts to scroll horizontally and not look so great lower than 360px wide is that I have the CSS property min-width: 360px set on the body element. You’ve not done anything wrong.

If you remove that line from the styles.css file, it goes smaller without too much trouble, although the icon starts overlapping the heading.

Maybe I should remove that line from the exercise?

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the feedback. My thinking would be to leave the line in but make a note of that in the text. As in “Your result might be a little different, but don’t be alarmed, it’s b/c I’ve added the “min-width: 360px” line in my CSS for optimal viewing” kind of thing.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

I’ve decided to just remove it from the exercise. I don’t think it should be explained at this stage, because I’ve not taught any CSS at this point in the course.