Rep of the Month - August 2018

Please join us in congratulating Abhiram Ravikumar, our Rep of the Month for August 2018!

Abhiram Ravikumar is an amazing contributor from Bangalore India and a long time Mozillian contributing as a Rep since November 2015. He is the so-called backbone of the Bangalore community keeping activities going in and around the region.

He is also a Rust contributor helping the Rust team evangelize the programming language by speaking at events and organizing them. As a Tech Speaker, he speaks about Rust, Blockchain, Machine Learning, Git and Open Source at events and conferences.

Abhiram is a part of the Mozilla India Rust focus group helping volunteers getting started with Rust. Professionally he works as a machine learning fellow at SAP Labs. A great example of contributions with passion towards open source, Abhiram surely stands out with his contributions to the community.

Thanks Abhiram, keep rocking the Open Web! :tada: :tada:


This is the result of a consolidated effort over a long period time, spanning multiple mozilla projects. Most importantly, MozTechSpeakers , rustlang , FirefoxOS , Firefox Student Ambassadors as well as community initiatives with MozillaIN . Iā€™m deeply honored by this recognition. :raised_hands:t4:

CC @fayetandog @havi @Michael_Ellis @galaxy @kaustavdm - you guys played a huge role in this, so gracias. :blue_heart:

More to learn! And lots more to share.

Onwards! #openWeb
:heart:ļø :hugs: :earth_africa::fox_face:

PS: A very beautiful write up. :blush::+1: Appreciate it. @ankitgadgil @prathamesh @mkohler

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