Reps Newsletter - your ideas required

I would like to see the following updates if we plan for a monthly newsletter

  • Rep of the Month
  • Key metrics registered in the past month
  • A couple of(May be 3-5) event reports (blogposts) of few amazing initiatives and events by reps
  • individual summary of all the weekly reps calls
  • Whats up with the upcoming month

these are some of the quick thoughts i got in mind when i heard ‘Newsletter’.


Like said from @viswanathamsantosh but also what’s going on this month for mozilla.
Like new activities on activate or new campaign like changecopyright.

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I like this idea!
Do we have a specific length we want to keep?
Also @nukeador used to send those about 2 years ago if I am correct, @nukeador could you share your format as well?
I like @viswanathamsantosh ideas my only concern is that if we send individual summaries of weekly reps calls it might end up too long

Here are my ideas:

  • Rep of the Month
  • Summary of discussions that were started in the past month with links to Discourse
  • Important “Asks” we have for all Reps to provide feedback
  • Important Changes/Topics in the Reps program
  • Important Changes/Topics in Mozilla
  • Featured initiatives led by Reps

I think it should be as short as possible, since it kind of defeats the point if it’s too long.

Could you please elaborate on why you think that would be important? Do you think reading the individual notes (like this one) takes too much time?

Would like to receive the newsletter with the fancy design for sure. (:

From me, it might be great to add Rep council update. Probably not too detail. Maybe just some curated topic that might important for the rep to get know.

And my question is, how often are we going to send the newsletter? or am I missing this conversation?

Our idea is to have this sent out once a month. We can’t commit to anything more frequent and I don’t think it would make sense content-wise.

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+1 one newsletter every month is a perfect timeline! This reminds me of the FSA newsletter i used to receive every month with the past month’s campaign reports and update about the next month campaign.

Reading one of such notes doesn’t take much time but if i open the news letter with 4 weekly meeting notes links then that takes time and personally i might open another link from the notes and get into inception before actually reading the next important content from the notes. summary helps me to understand everything before i dive deep into the topic that interests me more.

Hello everybody,
I like monthly newsletter with the fancy design as @kelimuttu said. :wink:

I like all the ideas! And I would also like to see a part with the name and small photo of all the new reps who are joining our program.

Geraldo Barros

I’d be interesting in seeing an overview of the most important topics of the last month’s Reps meetings and a preview of what we expect that central topics will be in in the upcoming month(s). Additionally, any topics we can/should focus on in Reps activities for the next few months and any (new) templates/guides/materials for activities that may be available.

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That’s great! I wish to see a corner about communities on each issue and Mozillian personal history…

We could add links to the Reps Portal release notes to the newsletter.

And another question: will we send these newsletters through Salesforce Marketing Cloud (formerly ExactTarget)? This way we can track opening rates and engagement.

to be decided, @alex_lakatos will lead the efforts there

Like said from @viswanathamsantosh

I’m not familiar with that, but any tool that gives me metrics, of course I’m up for that!

I’ll chime in my ideas here as well:
Making it a lengthy email will ensure a lot of people will ignore it. I was thinking of keeping it as short and sweet as possible, with an option for a “Read more”.
Looking at what people expect, it seems there is some overlap, but a lot of great ideas. I was thinking of crowd-sourcing the content, with an “Newsletter Editor” that curates what goes in the actual email and what’s hidden behind “Read More”.

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Would be great but not sure if that is open to volunteers - but nevertheless we can have support from employees.

I remember we used to design the newsletter using Canva for FSA program. It was very handy and simple to design.