Well i remember trying to train Dragon Dictate many many years ago teaching it to recognize voice patterns etc, it was a nightmare. Well i thought that Mozzilla was in the ballpark with creating a similar open source voice input although limited, voice recognition process that required minimal if no training and having tried Voice Fille and Voice Beta extensions, appeared to have ironed out many of the annoying stinks out without the requirement and needing to sit and read the Art Of War or Shakespeare before the progrann anaged to get the first line errect.
Oh well again the onset or ability to use ones voice too fill out forms / transcribe text and incubate or troll our Hech without need of hours ttwo get it to orgnize a sentence without having to redit and retype the (d)occumentevery second word was either not understood, or the (s)oftware would make up its own mind.
It is funny that although we now carry mobile phones - ring ring “hello” - to the dream was walk to reach others essentially, (b)ending and §yping text messages, like another antiquated technology the pager.
The above mistake were int(er)entional
I hate say i am old enough - just - remember writing a letter and posting it. Then came the mobile brick, but for some reason just like the lost concept of talking to each other - watching people at the same table texting each other and except for yes or No a giggle between sending an sms to the person next to you or across the table has become the norm.
As someone who has difficulty using a keyboard and know people who would find the use of voice commands, would improve many lives i find it strange that having used Dragon Dictate 10 or more years ago, we still sit and plonk and thud a keyboard or phone screen, the ability to speak or hold a conversation has discapeared if born after 2000. However being able to control ones tech with voice commands or dictate a letter is still limited and software etc, is often expensive but when it works can make a long painful job a little less expensive and a deal a lot less annoying.
I must say i will miss Voice fill and Firefox voice beta will be a loss for may of us that find it difficult to use a keyboard etc. But it seems very clear that voice recognition, dictation or simply accessing or commanding our tech via voice is something that just either is yet to catch on or as many have found the software is still expensive and
requirement for training seems to have been stuck in the too hard or not viable . Although i have found Mozilla’s foray into this area of tech basket and buried deep in the internet cemetery. Although not functional full hardware It will be a loss. The glimmer of hope is with Mozilla being open source someone may pick it up in i hope not to distant future and will see it as challenge and pick it up again and use them as a template too develop this software further.