Russian senteces are low quality

Found similar question about ML here and found question from @nukeador:

Did you use any material for training your model that specifically forbids its use for training machine learning?

I do not know about what was used for pretrained model. But I have NVIDIA 2080 and I can try collect data from Wikipedia/CC-BY/others, put it to NN, and we will have a result.

How similar are the sentences generated from the sentences you used for training?

It is difficult to determine the match with the source, since the generation is based on a VERY large amount of data. Texts generated are similar, but different. Firstly, there are no identical sentences. Secondly, the final sentences are different in meaning from the original ones. I gave an example above:

А на ночь выпивать 1 рюмку коньяку с сахаром и 1  ч. л. сахарного песка.

Translated into English, this means

And at night, drink 1 glass of brandy with sugar and 1 tsp. granulated sugar.

Here you can see that this is not a real recipe, but created by a neural network.

In general, if this topic is interesting, I can find the time, train the model and provide the necessary results, just tell me what you need to learn and show.