[Support] uBlock Origin

duckduckgo.com uses Javascript to make the entire search result box into a link, even though there are already two normal HTML links inside the box (result title and URL).


I’d like to deactivate the JS links but can’t quite figure out how to do it.

  • Blocking the script in question (https://duckduckgo.com/d2542.js) kills the entire results page.
  • duckduckgo.com##+js(addEventListener-defuser.js, click) does what I want but also breaks some other functionalities, like switching between web/video/image/news search types.
  • The last comment at https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/506 is presented as a solution, but it’s not clear to me where I would add that code.

Is there any way to do what I want?

uB0 1.17.4 on FF 64.0; settings: defaults + advanced user, block WebRTC leakage

I can’t find a way either.

Can be narrowed by one more parameter matching in text content of event callback, but ddg uses some library and uBO is seeing only one function.

Defusing mouseover gets rid of this ugly frame at least:

duckduckgo.com##+js(addEventListener-defuser.js, mouseover)

In theory set-constant.js or abort-on-property-read/write.js should help, but nothing I tried works.

Documentation if you want to experiment: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Static-filter-syntax#scriptlet-injection https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Resources-Library


duckduckgo.com##+js(abort-on-property-read.js, fe)

deactivates both the JS links and the frames around them. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!

fwiw, I recently had a Mozilla problem which I was troubleshooting that lead to starting Mozilla in “Safe Mode” as part of the search for the problem.

As I was opening sites as part of that search, I was dumbfounded by the overwhelming volume of advertisements and other trash which was completely overshadowing the content of every page.

It took me a while to realize that was happening because, among other things, UBlock Origin was one of the things that was not running because of Mozilla’s “safe mode” start.

Bottom line, THANKS!

imho, Everyone should start their browser every few months with UBlock Origin disabled to experience what is being done for us with this incredible tool!

I would like to donate, but it seems that is not possible.

Thanks again,

Beverly Howard

1 Like

When I attempt to get to certain pages, it blockes bunches of libraries and the page isn’t shown

The page loads fine on my side, using default settings and lists. Given uBO can be customized in many ways (i.e. adding more lists, rules, etc), you need to look into how your uBO configuration differs from default settings/lists. Use uBO’s logger to diagnose such issues.

Testing if subscribe links works on Discourse (dynamic) forums


edit 2020-09-13:

“abp” subscription link

After using uBlock for almost 2 years now, all over sudden i cant stream any youtube nore bitchute videos anymore. It started yesterday as i noticed a yellow exclamation mark on the menu button of firefox, telling me that uBlock certificate run out (something like that). Since then, no matter what settings i tried, the youtube and bitchute site wont work anymore. I tried removing and reinstall uBlock but with no success.

Are you using Dynamic Filtering? (Advanced Mode?) If yes, you need to adjust your rules for CNAME-uncloaked domains (marked blue).

Youtube is fixed and working. Bitchute is still broken. Changing the rules for CNAME’s didn’t helped. Must be something else.

Hi. I have ublock origin running in expert mode, and I set the red cross on the javascript switch to disallow javascript.
On the website:
below the text more moto z⁴ camera features
I get a working image gallery. As far as I could figure out it’s run by javascript.
Shouldn’t that image gallery be disabled? (Maybe I have some not fitting settings. ):
(I’m not up to date if it is possible to achieve this gallery effect with pure css nowadays; but I doubt it.)
Could anyone help me, please?

This page is blank with JS disabled. Do you have other extensions? For eample Canvas Blocker, HTTPS Everywhere ( encrypt all mode), uMatrix, NoScript?

The only other active add-on was MySessions. (Deactived were DownThemAll, spector.js and stylus.)
Now I tried in the left part of the ublock ui (with all the color red, green, yellow and grey) selecting red in the “local” collum for “vtexassets.com” and “motorolaus.vtexassets.com”, and then I get a blank page,too.
I always thought the red cross in the right bottom border of the UI overrides anything else.
There seems to be only one explanation, isn’t it? I was on that webpage before sometimes, and somehow changed the settings on the “local” collum, though I can’t remember that?

It does, the purpose of the </> icon is to wholly disable javaScript. I also get a blank page when I wholly disable JavaScript.

You should create a new profile, install uBO and try again, it seems something specific on your side is getting in the way of uBO’s CSP injection.

Thank you very much for the help!
And thank you very much for the most important add-on I know!

Is there any way to prevent uBlock Origin from being turned off or removed, and to lock the rules?

[Feature Request] Introduce “zap everything else” mode to Element Zapper.

For example, when holding Alt, Element Zapper removes everything else but the highlighted element. This would

  1. Speed up page cleanup
  2. Eliminate the need for another add-on for “Print what you like” functionality.

Is this link just for firefox users or is it the link to the new support forum page? If I need to go to that site, can I ask help if i’m a chrome or edge browser user? thanks

How do I block ads that the New York Times places into their breaking news emails?

Ublock Origin doesn’t block them.

AdBlocker for Gmail doesn’t block them.


Windows 11



I’ve installed uBlock Origin on Firefox for Android (version 10 in my case) and I’ve noticed that advertisements are blocked, but the relative empty spaces are not removed as they are with the same sites using Firefox desktop.

The option “Hide placeholders of blocked elements” is enabled.

I hope you can help me. Thank you.