The censorship circumvention extension has disappeared from the Russian version of Mozilla Addons

HUGE thanks! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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They wanting to have some time to check their options. Roskmondzor’s letter usually have rather harsh time interval to comply or else.
(btw, it doesn’t mean they 100% block in case of noncompliance, there some exceptions - Wikipedia or Youtube have many materials which Roskomnadzor doesn’t like and they still work, likely due to their too big influence).

Thank you for doing right thing.

I’m from Russia, I do use Firefox but don’t use mentioned extensions (I use more complex solutions)

A few considerations, with my 2 cents:

  • it was very intelligent and prudent to take time to decide on the request, and a good practice to temporarily stop the extensions before taking action (imagine if the request was for malware included)
  • I appreciated the choice to reopen the extensions because it goes well with the principles of Mozilla Foundation, that’s much different from Google or Apple, just to say 2 companies…
  • this, again, put this browser in the top10 of the best things in the Internet today
  • it’s a bit OT, but… to answer to @hfa and other trolls: there is a sort of censorship in western countries, we must admit; the BIG difference is that if we don’t agree and watch RT or say something pro-Russia on socials or in the street WE WILL NOT be jailed for 15 years… this is why you can publicly criticize a EU country, something that your Russian friends cannot do on their own government

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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My 2 cents - Mozilla needs to put something on the add-on page when it gets taken down.

Add-ons get taken down for many different reasons. Historically, Mozilla doesn’t tell their users anything when their favorite add-on goes MIA.


Already requested, but not followed up yet: