Translating options pages

The problem I see with that, is that you are making the assumption that the word for days should always come after the number etc. By using a substitution in the translation, you give more control to the translator to decide the best way to display in their language.

There are also cases where I need to append a character after the translation, and it just feels like it’s getting messy when I have to start using some spans to handle that, in addition to the translator problems.

But, either way, I think we’ve got a good starting point for a recommended approach to translating an options page, and people can always build off it as needed.

Love the code. I am using it in my addon.

One thing missing from the github repository is a license (I know, only 5 lines of code),

Is it safe to assume that it is a Mozilla Public License 2.0 like your addons?

yes… Mozilla Public License 2.0