Unable to reproduce NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR stated on the HTMLMediaElement defaultPlaybackRate page

The docs for HTMLMediaElement.defaultPlaybackRate state that setting the value to 0.0 will produce NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, however, I am not able to recreate this in any browser. As an example:

Version 	91.0.2
Build ID 	20210823123856

> var v = document.createElement("video");
> v.defaultPlaybackRate = 0.0;

Is this the correct method to produce the error above? Iโ€™m not sure what I could be missing.

Hi @greg-el and welcome to the community :wave:

I can reproduce your result on Firefox Dev Edition 92 and Chrome 92. In my opinion your code is fine and should trigger this error. Iโ€™m not sure if itโ€™s a documentation bug or an issue with Firefox and Chrome themselves. Maybe you could ask on the MDN Matrix chat and/or post an issue on the MDN GitHub page. The technical writers are rarely on this forum.

Have a nice day!

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Thanks for opening the issue on GitHub!
The change is now live on MDN. :+1: