Welcome schalkneethling

Hello @schalkneethling

hope that everything going fine with

glad to see some official review here after @chrisdavidmills so we can learn more

some user report some issue related to the tools and testing section

here are one of them

the issue related that it use old version of the tools which make conflict if user used new version like when installing dependency without specify the version which install the latest version by default and the issue start from that point

so if you have time could you or someone else reviews this section and check if all example working with the new version or at least change the installation to specify the version to be installed

thanks for your time and have a nice day :slight_smile:


Hey @justsomeone! Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will have a look.


For this particular case there’s an issue at mdn/content:

In general, there are several similar issues about outdated code when looking at the “Content:Learn:Client-side” label on GitHub:

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thanks for you @schalkneethling

thanks @mikoMK

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