What happened to Stumbler?

There are a few people I know who are having problems accessing Stumbler, getting server app issues (403 error).

Is Stumbler offline? Will it be coming back online and when, please? I noticed Stumbler has restricted its home page and that the app has been removed from the Apple App Store? Are there problems with the Stumbler company?

I located a thread here from 02/2021 regarding the retirement of Stumbler [from the Android store] due to the developers not keeping up with updating the code (therefore new content would not play, etc.), but that was a long time ago, and Stumbler continued to operate for nearly two more years after that. (Retiring Mozilla Stumbler)

I know this is a forum for developers, but there are no available forums that I can find for end users on this topic.

Thanks for whatever info you can provide.


Thanks TJGerken. This is the proper forum for questions like this.

As you found on Retiring Mozilla Stumbler, Mozilla dropped support for the Stumbler, and removed it from the relevant stores. I’m not aware of any server-side changes that would have made it stop working for existing users.

The location service continues to work, including the submission APIs. Others have had recent success writing new code to submit data.

Thanks for the reply. I’m unable to access Stumbler. I’m bummed. I’m sure many others are as well. I refuse to go to Tik Tok. Any others you know of?

Tower Collector submits cell towers to MLS. I’m not aware of any WiFi stumblers like Mozilla Stumbler, but I’m not actively looking for any.

What does Tik Tok have to do with stumblers?

It is suggested that the android app “Network Cell Info (Lite)” can share collected data. I have “Crowdsourced Data Sharing” turned on, but after 10 days, none of the data for a new cell I have collected appears in the downloaded data (MLS-full-cell-export-2023-01-29T000000). So, my guess is that this data path is not active anymore?

It is suggested that the android app “Network Cell Info (Lite)” can share collected data. I have “Crowdsourced Data Sharing” turned on, but after 10 days, none of the data for a new cell I have collected appears in the downloaded data (MLS-full-cell-export-2023-01-29T000000). So, my guess is that this data path is not active anymore?

furface, you may want to reach out to m2catalyst for more information. I haven’t used the app.

Here’s their page for the app:

It mentions:

Visual representation of cell locations (not cell towers) on the map utilizing Mozilla Location Service (MLS), excl. cdma


Database export measurements in KML 2.2, MLS Geosubmit v.2, CLF v.3, OpenCellID csv, CMWF database types

It is unclear to me if the database export is the MLS format for manual upload, or actually submits data to MLS.

Thanks for your reply. I had assumed from the language on the Mozilla Location page that using Network Cell Info would automatically provide data to Mozilla. If I become interested again, I will learn how to contribute data directly to MLS. Thanks again.