Which programming languages users should know to use Mozilla IoT?

@mstegeman, 'll do it immediately.
May I know why we should put #define LARGE_JSON_BUFFERS 1 on the top of any include?

It’s described in the Configuration section of the README, here: https://github.com/mozilla-iot/webthing-arduino#configuration

It has to be done before including the webthing headers so that they are configured properly when included.

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@mstegeman, thanks for this clarification.
Now, I have 3 options, but no one of them works.
When I switch on/off, change brightness and/or set up the fade, nothing happens for the LED_BUILTIN of my Esp8266.
BTW, my LED switches on automatically after it connects to the internet.

As you can see in the attached images, the LED is on despite the switch is off.
Thanks in advance.

You may need to specify a different PIN number.

@mstegeman, pin for what?
I’m using the LED_BUILTIN.
Or do you mean to use an external led in behalf of the led builtin?

I’ve had cases where:

  1. LED_BUILTIN isn’t right and I’ve had to specify my own LED pin number.
  2. digitalWrite doesn’t work, so I’ve had to use analogWrite (with no dimming).
  3. The LED is active low instead of active high, so I’ve had to reverse logic.


You probably already did this but just in case, make sure you have the set correctly in the Arduino board manager. For that board i think you need the Wemos D1 R2 or Mini.

And @mstegeman’s point 3 is certainly right, the LED is active low.

Cheers :slightly_smiling_face:

@mstegeman,@madbilly I’m sorry for my poor response time.
I’m trying what you’ve described, and I’ll get back to you as fast as possible.

Thanks ,@chas_iot and @madbilly, for your support. Especially @mstegeman for his availability at any given time.
I managed to do what I wanted with the help of the Microblocks tool. It’s really easy for beginners and user friendly. I highly recommend it for beginners.
Again, thanks for wasting your time to helping me. I appreciate it.

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No problem, I’m glad you found something which works well for you.
Cheers :slightly_smiling_face:

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