Co-Founder and CTO of a Web Agency in Rome, Codeat.
Core Contributor of WordPress, member of the WordPress Italia community as PTE and WP Rome and Terni meetup co-organizer. Also part of the council of Italian Linux Society Association since 2021.
“My friends say that I am an OpenSource Multiversal that is the best way to explain myself in few words”
Actual: Mozilla TechSpeakers, Mozilla Rep (2 years in Mozilla Reps Council)
He has contributed as contributor:
- RepsNext and many meetings about Reps
- Reps Regional Coach
- Reps Mobilizer for Addon in Italy
- Translation for Italians stuff
- Involved with Italian Firefox Vademecum
- Involved In Open Design for coding issues
- Mozilla Italia Participation Team
- Leading Common Voice for Italian
He has contributed as developer:
- A lot of talks about WebExtension and tiny tools
- HTML Mozilla Presentation Boilerplate
- WordPress Promote MDN plugin maintainer
- Involved in WordPress projects for Mozilla community (templates and plugins)
- Patches for reps.mozilla.org, mozillians.org, Transivion
- Tech-Speakers-Map to find the nearest Tech Speaker to you
- Web Compat for Italy
- Firefox OS Quick Guide in Italian with new chapters
- Marketplace Contributor of September 2014
- Dev contributions to FirefoxUX/StyleGuide, mofo-bootstrap, Mozilla Card Generator, Firefox OS Boilerplate APP, Dart Firefox OS Boilerplate App
- Mentioned on June 2018 as author of one of the featured extension for Firefox
- Different projects for Common Voice and Italian, including leading the DeepSpeech Italian model project
Old Programs: TBTW Coach Campaign, Foxfooding program, TCP program participant, Apps on Flame, Firefox OS App Days, Mozilla Club Captain, Mozilla Campus Club Regional Coordinator.