I discovered the project early this year. Back then, if I remember correctly, it was a little under 300 hours of validated speech? And now we’re sitting at around 400?
Pretty much all the news releases about the Common Voice project state that the goal is to collect 10,000 hours of validated speech. I can’t find any statement by Mozilla on that, though. (Was this originally stated on the Common Voice website and later removed?)
If the stats on the Common Voice website are accurate, that’s currently not going to happen. With only a few hundred hours in half a year, it would probably take several decades to collect 10,000 hours of validated speech.
So does that mean the original expectations were too optimistic? Or are all those news outlets wrong and 10,000 hours was never the goal? Or are the numbers on the website simply wrong? But if it was the goal, and the numbers are correct, what does the fact that we aren’t anywhere close to the original expectations mean for the project?