In the wake of Firefox OS’s premature death and its miraculous resurrection, the internet has been filled with bad feelings towards the deceased. I found a comment on Reddit which I found particularly interesting: Since I’m not familiar with Reddit, I’d like to move here the discussion.
##Monetization issue
I think that comment has a point here. Virtually every app on the Marketplace comes for free, including high-quality apps. On the other side, those few apps asking for money usually don’t deserve any. While this scenario is (apparently) good for users, money are a good way to attract good developers, and good developers make good apps, of which there is a desperate need in the Marketplace.
The point is that FxOS has far too few users to make not-for-free apps convenient: I guess many of us would be willing to pay a little fee to have an official Whatsapp client, but still this would not cover developement costs for Whatsapp.
On the other hand, ordinary apps are forced to be for free. If they had a price, they would be ignored by most users. This is, I think, because people usually prefer not to pay for something if they aren’t sure of the quality of the product beforehand.
How to make Marketplace apps remunerative for developer without anger users? I think the solution may be spontaneous donations. Free, open source software has a history of asking for donations, which is percieved as a fair practice for both developers and users.
Still, it is a well known fact that people are lazy. If to donate I need to follow less-than-trivial procedures, I won’t probably do that. In this case, though, I can see an immediate way for users to donate to developers. That is, through the Marketplace itself. The user could donate from the very app page on the Marketplace, just like it can leave a review. The donated amount could be taken directly from the SIM credit, just like it can be done with purchases. On the other side, the developer would just need to provide a bank account’s details, and the rest would be done by the Marketplace.
I think this could be a good approach to the issue, making good apps produce some cash for the developers without angering users. On a plus, it’s a practice which is well accepted among the FOSS world and would feel just right on FxOS.