I would like to introduce the discussion on accountability report to be provided by council members before they end their terms.
This can help us better make decisions on re-election of a council member and brings more transparency to the member’s role in the program since the council member is voted on by all the Reps. Check more Mission Driven Mozillians - Leadership Principle 3.
What does that resonate in you? Does it seem relevant or not? What kind of data and how could council members report their work during the term?
Looking forward to hear you, and the program’s council here.
Thanks for starting this discussion. I there are multiple parts to that:
As the initial discussion was around questions to ask nominees for Council, this has popped up. While I think identifying things a Council candidate deems easy to fix or would like to work on, the reality mostly looks different as the Council always has ongoing projects and it’s hard to juggle the time available. Also focus changes over time and something identified as important now is (most) likely not to be an important measure at the end of the Council term.
Therefore I don’t think it’s useful to validate a Council nominee’s initial goals at the end of the term, but there should indeed be goals and metrics to hold Council member’s accountable. I’m currently working on a document to define a few things on how Peers can hold Council members accountable. This most likely won’t include the “Reps holding Council members accountable” part for now though.
I personally think that every Council member should work in the open, regularly create/update their issues on the GitHub repo to allow easy tracking of work done.
In terms of the “re-election”, I think it would be great to have a final blog post explaining what the Council member’s did in their term with a list and explanation of their working items that they’ve worked on during their term. This could probably also be included in the “thank you” blog post on the Reps blog.