I followed the directions to link the CSS and JS files in the HTML file but the list doesn’t appear and while the green background appears the red block does not.
Hello @CodeChimp
could you put your code on codepen or jsfiddle or anything like those and let us see the code so we try to know what is the issue
hope that help and have a nice day
Hmm. It seems to work when I paste it into CodePen.
Hello @CodeChimp
the issue in that line
script src"script.js" defer></script
you missing = here
it should be src=“script.js” defer i am sure it just type error to save yourself from those error try to validate your code https://validator.w3.org/
it will help you with many situations like that
and why it work in codpen? cause codpen take the code in each panel and mix them in their way you can spectate and see the code generated in the result panel
hope that help and have a nice day
Argh. Well at least the mystery is solved.
Thanks for your help! I’ll use the link you mentioned!
you very welcome