Please add Sakha language to dataset. We want to test dataset on DeepSpeech.
Thank you
(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
April 25, 2019, 10:32am
Welcome to the community!
Please check this topic:
This information is also now available on the About Pages on Common Voice Website. Please help us to localise this by joining Pontoon
Mozilla Voice Community Playbook : The source of truth for setting up and maintain self-sustainable communities.
Hello everyone,
I would like to open this topic to summarize some of the most asked question we are getting: How do I get my language in Common Voice.
There are three steps to have your language ready:
We have already passed these three steps and collected more than 1 hour of validated voices and continue to collect voices. Now we are waiting for the ability to download the dataset to test Deep Speech
(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
April 25, 2019, 2:39pm
Sorry, I read you wrong.
We are currently discussing the dataset release strategy here:
Hello everyone,
I’m currently working on a proposal for the project strategy around dataset releases. As you might already know we have done a couple of them already and since then we have had a lot of feedback an questions about it .
That’s why I open this topic, to try to understand what would be more valuable for you and your communities/projects.
How often do you need dataset updates? Why?
Which languages are you most interested in? Why?
What brings you more value from the dataset update?
Feel free to join the conversation.
OK, thank you.
I thought that this topic was already closed.
Therefore I opened a new topic
(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
April 25, 2019, 2:48pm
No, it’s not closed because I’ll update with the proposal from the team, which will affect all languages.