Add-on for LastPass keeps disappearing

I am having to reload the LastPass icon to the toolbar every few days. Why does firefox keep dropping it? Or, what do I do to keep it on the toolbar?

It sounds like something in your profile is resetting your toolbar customizations. Have you tried disabling other add-ons?

Thanks Jorge. I haven’t had a chance to get back to this. How do I review
my profile?


JM Avila

Testing with all add-ons disabled (except for LastPass) would be a good first step. Opening the toolbar customization panel and restoring it to its defaults could also help.

Well, I experienced a week or more of both add-ons working fine–LastPass and Keep from Google. I tried Jorge’s suggestion such as disabling all ad-dons and as you can see I only had two. I also tried re-installing Firefox. Result: LastPass came back up everytime I restarted Firefox. Today, even though both ad-dons started when I initiated he PC, after a period of “Sleep” I had to re-load both.
At this point, I realize that I have Edge available to me from MS and I am seriously thinking of going to another browser.