Add-on in preliminary review status since last November?

I’ve made several search add-ons, one of which has been in preliminary review status since last November, although it’s only a search add-on and thus not too complicated. I know everyone’s busy, but perhaps I can do something to help it get a full review?

I ask because a (properly) security-conscious colleague offered feedback, saying they did not install it because of the “caution” colored button and the “This add-on has been preliminarily reviewed by Mozilla” disclaimer, but they would try it once it was greenlighted. What can I do to help that process along?

As a side matter, that add-on does not appear when I search on it to add it to a collection, perhaps that is also due to it’s preliminary status?

Thanks for any help.

PS, Edited to add that although I’m pretty sure I selected the option for full review when I submitted the add-on, evidently that selection did not stick, because as I looked at it just now, there was a command button for requesting a full review, which I do not remember seeing prior to today. Perhaps that is why the add-on has been in limbo land. Or perhaps the problem was between the chair and the keyboard, after all.

PPS, Thank you to whoever just did the review!

Can someone still answer why the add-on would not appear in search results?


Preliminary Review
Add-ons in the preliminary review track undergo full, though less
detailed, code review, but in general do not undergo functional testing.
These add-ons must not cause security problems, or seriously hamper the
usability of the browser, but otherwise have few qualifications. As a
result, these add-ons are displayed less prominently in search results,
and their listing pages warn users about potential quality issues prior
to installation.

Add-ons with preliminary approval don’t show up in searches in the Add-ons Manager. This is intentional because the Add-ons Manager doesn’t have a way to display them differently than fully reviewed ones, and this was never implemented.