Add-on is rejected

Dream it add-on was added with few enhancements and requested for review for version 0.0.11.It was rejected because add-on was not corrected with warnings. We corrected warnings and resubmitted version 0.0.12. Again this version also got rejected.

I used get email why it was rejected to correct and to resubmit.
But now I did not get any mail why it was rejected.

Need help whom we should contact to get the info about rejection criteria for this version.

The latest on web-store is as follows:

I will copy the rejection note and send it to you.

Please send rejection note.

I did that 3 days ago.

I got mail for version 0.0.11 how used to get. The subject line was “Mozilla Add-ons: Dream It 0.0.11 didn’t pass review”.
I am requesting the same for the version 0.0.12. I did not get mail nor able to see in developer’s site. Only I am able to see is Dream It Version 0.0.12 rejected. Is there any place I can get rejection not in which I might be missing?

Thanks in advance.
Sorry a lot for the inconvenience.

I have sent it 3 days ago and then just now.

The emails should start with:

As requested in:
https:// Add-on is rejected - Add-on Support - Mozilla Discourse

AMO, currently attaches it to the previous version but the reason is for the latest version ie Version 0.0.12 · July 8, 2016

Anyway here is the reason for Version 0.0.12 · July 8, 2016:

This version didn’t pass review because of the following problems:

  1. We asked you numerous times to not submit source packages. We will no longer review any new versions, until you do so.

For the first time, we got review comment not to submit source packages. Sorry for inconvenience. We uploaded the add-on without source package for review.

The preliminary review is complete for add-on. In past post preliminary review, immediately add-on was under going full review. Now there is any change the way add-on to submit for full review.

Thanks a million in advance.

No… You can nominate it for the Full review.

I am able to see the status “Preliminarily Reviewed (1 file)”. Please help me in finding where can I see the Public Nomination.

You would need to fix the issues listed first, or else it would not get the Full Review anyway.
Fix them and upload a new version and set it to Full Review.

There are no errors and warnings when we validated the add-on. Please clear the confusion.

Warning is not the same as review notes.

There are outstanding points from the previous reviews.
They were not serious enough to cause a rejection, but need to be fixed if you want to get a Full Review.

Check the notes on the previous reviews.

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All outstanding points are taken care that were mentioned in previous releases. To avoid “mouse over” and “innerHTML”, we removed an extra js that was used for the extension. Request you to review once again.