This wasn’t always the case – Firefox used to be the fastest to get approved and published. It appears something might have changed for the speed to drop so drastically.
Yes, and it’s really annoying.
EDIT: Reolved, yay! My “self-signed” add-on got Approved (automatic validation) in under 40 hours. Keeping the post here as a record for others. I’d still like to hear what’s the proper way to use tensorflow.js in our add-ons.
I see I’m having the same issue as others here. I’ve made my first small add-on that I just wanted to self-sign and use but it’s been stuck “Awaiting Review” for roughly a day. The web-ext tool mentioned I should have received an email by now but I didn’t.
In my add-on I’m using minified tensorflow.js (I’ve mentioned that in review notes and linked cdn @ speciffic version as source since I did not find the compiled version on github.) and it’s causing warnings for function constructor being eval.
- Is it OK to link the CDN as source in this case?
- Are the warnings causing the holdup? (unfortunately there’s no way for me to solve them)
- Is it OK to include pretrained model/weights file? (can be considered machine generated code)
Oh, that could explain it then. Update: my extension was finally reviewed and approved five days after submission.
We have submitted add-on for review and has been automatically flagged for admin review.
It’s been more than 14 days and current status is showing ‘Awaiting Review’. We have also provided credentials to test an add-on required by Mozilla team.
Our marketing campaign is waiting for the process to complete, on other stores i.e Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge the process was pretty smooth and extensions get approved in 1-2 days.
How long it will take more ?
1Password add-on is now two versions old on Firefox and hasn’t been updated since the beginning of February. Why is nothing happening on this?
Hi Mozilla,
We have same problem here: our extension (Wanteeed) was submitted on April 13th and we have no feedback for the review. We don’t know how to facilitate the work of the review team.
Meanwhile we have delivered 2 other new versions on Chrome store.
Can you give us any feedback ?
hi, is there a problem with the review process? my unlisted add-on which normally only takes 10-15 minutes to pass review, has now been in the review queue for 3 days. very little has changed since the last release, so something is not right here, i see there are also many other people complaining of unusual delays in the approval system, is it a bug in the approvals/review system or just a lack of manpower to look through the automated reports?
Well i received an email from mozilla saying they have changed their review policy with regards to extensions with significantly large numbers of users, they say they are going to manually review all updates for the most popular extensions from now on.
oh great, lets step back to the medieval ages, when everyone else is living in the ever accelerating AI age…
They say this change may result in “minor delays”, but come on, the exact same extension and exact same code submitted to the chrome webstore gets approved immediately, (the only difference being i updated the chrome version to MV3) I would consider a minor delay 10 or 15minutes, not 3 or 4 days… The other thing is the chrome version has over 100 times more users than the firefox version of the extension. So how come google can review and approve minor extension updates instantaneously but firefox must take 4-5 days…?
The full text of their email is below for anyone who is interested:
Hello Firefox extension developers,
We wanted to make you aware of a recent change to AMO’s review process, as it may impact new submissions of your extension. All extension submissions with a significantly large number of users are now subject to human review by the add-ons review team before approval. This may, occasionally, result in minor delays publishing new versions of your extension on AMO. We’ve made this change to provide Firefox users with even greater security assurances for some of AMO’s most popular extensions, such as yours.
As always, we greatly appreciate your contributions to the Firefox extension ecosystem. Cheers!
Firefox Add-ons staff
Continuing the discussion from Add-on Review Questions:
I just have to ask:
Why on earth are they going with the manual approach? This doesn’t make any sense at all.
I’ve been waiting for the latest update to Return YouTube Dislikes to be approved, and they take AGES to approve it. It’s pretty frustrating…
Hi Mozilla, are there any chances to speed up the review process for our unlisted plugin or is there at least a rough estimate by when it will be completed? The previous version has been disabled due to security issues. Unfortunately, we’ve missed the email notifying us about the upcoming blocklisting if we don’t fix them.
Edit: Got our approval approx. an hour ago. Not sure whether it has to do with my post here or not. Anyway, thanks!
The actual review process is too slow! I’ve submited the add-on 18 days ago and with each new interaction, it takes you at least 5 days to respond me. This has been frustrating
Please, Mozilla! Help the developers to get it fast.
Hello, @Edward_Sullivan. I’ll try to submit a beta version: Méliuz Beta: Cashback e cupons.
Now I recieve this message: “Automatic rejection after grace period ended.”.
Very frustrating to have to submit everything again and I will probably have the same problems with the next reviewer.
No, It isn’t. This is a public version of the addon. The Méliuz Beta: Cashback e cupons addon is the invisible version of that.
We separated the beta so that we could carry out internal testing before submitting the version to the public.
The approval process is super frustrating because it takes far too long to hear back from a reviewer. Our add on has now been removed, and we’re just considering keeping it permanently off if this is the norm for approval processes. Meanwhile, our Chrome variations are reviewed and approved within a few hours.
We always used to have auto reviews, but since a week or so no longer.
The process tends to take very long and I basically have 2 versions more then are reviewed already.
Wondering if there’s any way to improve the review time/have to option for auto again?
@Chris_Bongers, there may be a few different reasons why your extension is no longer being auto-reviewed. The most common reason I’ve seen is that your extension has reached enough users that our review team needs to manually verify that releases are safe.
If you’d like additional details, you can post in the Add-on Reviewers Matrix channel. Make sure to include the ID of the extension so a reviewer can look into your specific case.