I’ve uploaded new version of addon like 4 days ago, but since then it moved in order only from 109 to 96th place. That’s unbelivable. Is there way to verify it quicklier? All previous verifications gone in hours, a day top. What’s happened now?
There are many addons in the queue right now. Your addon should be reviewed within 10 days from your date of submission. What is the link to your addon?
i was not expecting that, i need this update to be applied as soon as possible(
this is it: https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/artsembler-quicksave
Looks approved
Thank you! However, after installation it’s not showing up in the toolbar. I’ve thought, i’ve messed up, but i didn’t: i’ve just tried to compile xpi locally and install it and it works fine.
Odd, the file appears to be corrupted. I suggest you upload again with a higher version number, so we can re-review it and see if the problem repeats.
Thank you! Now it works!