Adding captions and subtitles to HTML5 video

Hello again @chrisdavidmills. I did the “Captioned video example”. I encountered some difficulty with the subtitles, I don’t understand why they don’t work.
I don’t know if you can mark it as there is a video inside and on CodePen it can’t be reproduced. Anyway, if you want to take a look this is the URL : .

@andreeapetrescu16 it looks like you are getting a cross-domain error, and it is not loading the VTT file as a result. On your page, in the web console it is reporting:

Security Error: Content at may not load
 data from

The way codepen is working, your page is at a different domain to your VTT file, which explains the error. Maybe try putting the example together in a github repo, and use gh-pages?

Like this : ?

This looks set up right.

So now you can get GitHub to render this as a live website by activating github pages, after which the page should be available at (I think?)

So basically go to the repo, go to “Settings”, and then scroll down to the " GitHub Pages" section. Then choose your master branch as the branch to build gh-pages from.

Ok, done. Thank you very much.
One last question: if I open this exmple on GitHub, I can see the subtitles (subtitles work). If I open it on my local drive with Chrome the subtitles don’t work. I’d like to know which is the reason why they don’t work.