Hello again @chrisdavidmills. I did the “Captioned video example”. I encountered some difficulty with the subtitles, I don’t understand why they don’t work.
I don’t know if you can mark it as there is a video inside and on CodePen it can’t be reproduced. Anyway, if you want to take a look this is the URL : https://codepen.io/Andreea96/pen/BaymoKL .
@andreeapetrescu16 it looks like you are getting a cross-domain error, and it is not loading the VTT file as a result. On your page, in the web console it is reporting:
Security Error: Content at https://cdpn.io/Andreea96/fullpage/BaymoKL may not load
data from https://codepen.io/Andreea96/fullpage/subtitle/sintel-en.vtt.
The way codepen is working, your page is at a different domain to your VTT file, which explains the error. Maybe try putting the example together in a github repo, and use gh-pages?
Like this : https://github.com/Andreea1696/Captions ?
This looks set up right.
So now you can get GitHub to render this as a live website by activating github pages, after which the page should be available at http://andreea1696.github.io/Captions (I think?)
So basically go to the repo, go to “Settings”, and then scroll down to the " GitHub Pages" section. Then choose your master branch as the branch to build gh-pages from.
Ok, done. Thank you very much.
One last question: if I open this exmple on GitHub, I can see the subtitles (subtitles work). If I open it on my local drive with Chrome the subtitles don’t work. I’d like to know which is the reason why they don’t work.