Aus heiterem Himmel war die Addon Bar restored plötzlich weg! Ich habe es erneut heruntergeladn, aber die Leiste ist nicht sichtbar! Wie kann man sie wieder anfügen?
Please try contacting the developer about this.
Thank you, Jorge - I already did. But unfortunately I got the message, that the mail couldn’t be sent because the maill accpount didn’t exist or was closed.
Then it’s possible the add-on is no longer being maintained.
pity! But why is it still offered by mozilla firefox then?
We don’t take down addons. It is up to the author. However that’s a good idea, if we have some way to detect if addons are totally useless we can hide it and send a message to the author that he needs to take action to restore it.
That would be a good idea. If you ould inform him - as his mail-adress doesn’t work… I liked it very much, maybe there are others who also would like to have the ‘addonbar restored’ restored again?