AddOn Beta/Test versions?

Is there a way to upload a version of a released AddOn to AMO and mark it as a beta or testversion? The usecase should be, that someone can install this testversion to test the actual behavior, without impact to standard version numbering or make the standard version auto-updating for end-users?

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Hi @Offerel! There isn’t a dedicated beta channel on AMO. We have some tips for setting up a pre-release test channel on Firefox Extension Workshop.

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Nice. Many thx for that tip.

@caitlin, does that mean that the current answers [1] to the undermentioned are accurate?

I ask because like how I can utilize beta channels in the Google Play Store to use updates to trusted applications that I otherwise would need to utilize Obtanium or F-Droid to acquire due to how long those updates sit in Google’s validation pipeline, I get updates to from the Chrome Web Store weeks quicker than I do on AMO.

  1. ↩︎

@erosman’s comment on StackOverflow is correct. I’ve included it below for historical purposes.

AMO ( no longer accepts beta versions for listed publication. You can upload your add-on as unlisted which means it can be signed and installed for testing.

Unlisted add-ons will have to be distributed by the developers.

AMO does not have a direct equivalent to Google Play’s testing tracks. The closest thing we have is self distribution. See Distributing an add-on yourself for more information.

If you choose to distribute an extension yourself, you will also need to set the update_url in your extension’s manifest.json file and host a JSON update manifest on your web server.

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@dotproto, thanks. I’ve filed the undermentioned to see whether improving that is desirable: