All false value in conditional statment in js

Hello everyone

hope that everyone is doing fine

just thought if it was mentioned the meaning of the following false value in js in the learning code in the conditional statement

undefined = mean the variable is not exist or not created or defined

null = mean the variable is created or defined but did not assigned any value yet (for example let x; this define the variable x but it has no value which mean it’s null)

0 = mean we created variable with value equal 0 (the number zero)

NaN = that mean the value is nan which we get when we try to do some illegal math for example let x = 5/0 as you know we can not divide by 0 (zero)

an empty string (‘’) = when the variable value equal empty string

another notice for some stuff that could confuse some of us sometime

the difference between the 3 following stat

null = mean as said before object or variable created but does not has a value yet

‘’ = mean as said before object or variable created and has a value ‘’ which mean empty string

’ ’ =mean as said before object or variable created and has a value ’ ’ (space) by the way this one is true in case if we try to check in the conditional statement

hope that clear thing and help and please let me know if i miss understand anything

thanks and have a nice day :slight_smile:

Take a look at
Mdn page on Falsy thanks but i meant that it be mentioned in the learning material :slight_smile: