Allow an extension to configure Firefox security devices

Hello Mr. Bertrand Perret,
First of all, thank you very very much for your correction since I was hitting a wall while try to work with this new environment.
I have followed your helps.
Trying the run from “Load Temporary Add-on” button in “about:debugging”.
I got a parsing error: “There was an error during installation: JSON.parse: bad escaped character at line 4 column 15 of the JSON data”.
So, I change the path to:
“path”: “c:\webext\mypkcs11\mypkcs11.dll”, it then passes that state and now getting into another error: "There was an error during installation: Extension is invalid"
I have no idea what it means by invalid, please help.

BTW the manifest is now:

“name”: “mypkcs11”,
“description”: “My test extension”,
“path”: “C:\webExt\mypkcs11\mypkcs11.dll”,
“type”: “pkcs11”,
“allowed_extensions”: [

Actually the path is double backslash "\ "
“path”: “C:\ \webExt\ \mypkcs11\ \mypkcs11.dll”,

The string in the allowed_extensions array must match the ID you give your extension, which you have to do manually at least while your extension is not signed. If you don’t explicitly define an ID you will get one assigned once the extension is signed and would have to then adjust the manifest for the pkcs11 module. See for documentation on how to set an ID in your manifest.json of the extension.
Ensure both manifests use the same ID.

P.S.: you can use ``` to start and end code blocks (like on GitHub), so multi line code gets easier to read and indentation is preserved.

Hello jlam,

Sorry, I forgot to tell you the following:

You need to set an ID in the very beginning of your manifest.json like this:

 "applications": {
    "gecko": {
      "id": "",
      "strict_min_version": "57.0"

  ... other declarations in manifest.json

As freaktechnik told you, this ID must match the ID in the other manifest file.

Hope this helps.

Also, don’t forget you can’t insert comments in a json file, only data is accepted.

Thanks a millions! Man this is very tricky.

Hi Bertrand and Freaktechnik,

I finally passes the ID issues. I could not make it without you guys’s help!

Again very appreciated,


Have you got the pkcs11 API to work?

I assume that pkcs11 API is now in Nightly build 59.0a1.

When debugging my background.js with the content below:

console.log(“module installed”);
console.log("module could not be installed "+e);

console showing:
module could not be installed TypeError: browser.pkcs11 is undefined ’

That sounds like you don’t have the “pkcs11” permission requested in your manifest.json, though the one you posted earlier in this thread did have the permission listed.

Hi Freaktechnik,

Yes, you are correct! I have remove that statement while testing. Put a back it works!

I don’t know how to say thanks for all the helps from you guys.

I finally got my first WebExt to load my DLL!


Hi jlam,

Glad to know that you could get it work.

Another point though:
since installModule is an asynchronous API, you could re-write your code
like the following:

var /*Promise*/ statusObj = browser.pkcs11.installModule("mypkcs11");

/* Only print success message within the 'then' statement, 
              error in 'catch' one */
statusObj.then(() => console.log("module installed (v2)")).catch(err => console.log("module could not be installed (v2)", err)); 


Hello Mr. Bertrand Perret,

Thanks for the code.
There is one issue with the mypkcs11.json:
At the statement:
‘“path”: “C:\webExt\mypkcs11\mypkcs11.dll”,’

What if my installer is installed into a dynamic location that may ending in ‘“D:\webExt\mypkcs11\mypkcs11.dll"’? A different drive (D:) that is not drive C: ?

Note that we in case the mypkcs11.dll is not stored under ‘“C:\webExt\mypkcs11".’

You’d have to generate the JSON on the fly then. Just set the path to wherever it is installed.

Oh, got it, thank you for the instruction.

Hi Martin and Bertrand,

I must go to you again for another help, and thanks in advance for your generosity!

I am preparing for package to be signed by Firefox AMO. And man, is that true that the I have to go through the whole-9-yard of the below process?

  1. Your API key (JWT issuer)


  1. Access Credentials

Truly yours,

You can also sign extensions via web interface on

I try your method
but it was not ok

“name”: “mypkcs11”,
"description”: “Installation du “,
“path”: “C:\Windows\System32\pcks11.dll”,
“type”: “pkcs11”,
“allowed_extensions”: [

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



manifest.json extension
“name”: “mypkcs11”,
“description”: “My pkcs11 extension”,
“version”: “1.0”,
“manifest_version”: 2,

“background”: {
“scripts”: [“background-script.js”]

“applications”: {
“gecko”: {
“id”: "",
“strict_min_version”: “59.0”
“permissions”: [

background-script.js extensions

var /Promise/
statusObj = browser.pkcs11.installModule(‘mypkcs11’);
/* Only print success message within the ‘then’ statement,
error in ‘catch’ one */
statusObj.then(() = > console.log(‘module installed (v2)’)).catch (err = > console.log(‘module could not be installed (v2)’, err));

do you see wath is the problem

Are you sure it’s not pkcs11.dll?


Is the PKCS#11 dll a 32 bits one ?

What is the architecture of Windows ?

What is the architecture of the running Firefox ?

DLL 64 bits
Windows 7 SP1 64bits
Firefox 59b7 64bits


So the registry key need to be set on the 64 bit hive too.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



For strict_min_version, try one of this:

“strict_min_version”: “58.0*”

or “strict_min_version”: “58.*”