Hello everyone,
Just wondering if anyone has feedback on this training graph. Not loving the shape of it towards the end!
Kind of wondering why early stoppping didn’t kick in? You can see the exact train command used, below). Also just curious if anyone has ideas as to why it went so off base towards the end?
And finally just checking if there is a way to restore the earlier state from the checkpoints ?
The command used was
python3 DeepSpeech/DeepSpeech.py \
--train_files '/work/waha-tuhi/models/20200605_ds.0.7.1_thm/data/mi_train.csv' \
--dev_files '/work/waha-tuhi/models/20200605_ds.0.7.1_thm/data/mi_dev.csv' \
--test_files '/work/waha-tuhi/models/20200605_ds.0.7.1_thm/data/mi_test.csv' \
--test_output_file '/work/waha-tuhi/models/20200605_ds.0.7.1_thm/evaluate/test_transcripts.csv' \
--scorer_path '/work/waha-tuhi/models/20200605_ds.0.7.1_thm/data/lm.scorer' \
--alphabet_config_path '/work/waha-tuhi/models/20200605_ds.0.7.1_thm/data/alphabet.txt' \
--lm_alpha 0.75 \
--lm_beta 1.85 \
--epochs 100 \
--train_batch_size 16 \
--dev_batch_size 32 \
--test_batch_size 32 \
--learning_rate 0.0001 \
--max_to_keep 1 \
--dropout_rate 0.13 \
--checkpoint_dir /work/waha-tuhi/models/20200605_ds.0.7.1_thm/checkpoints \
--log_level 0 \
--show_progressbar 0 \
--summary_dir /work/waha-tuhi/models/20200605_ds.0.7.1_thm/summaries \
--limit_train 0 \
--limit_dev 0 \
--limit_test 0 \
--export_dir /work/waha-tuhi/models/20200605_ds.0.7.1_thm/export \
--checkpoint_secs 600 \