I wanted to make my new version of Firefox look the same or similar to my old version before Windows 10 upgrade.
I copied the color from the Background (tabs) and put some new color for header, yet both header and tabs have the same color.
Also, header color gets lighter on top of the header, although there are no options to choose this…
I have tried different Themes from others, haven’t found one, where tabs and header are of different color - is this not possible? I really liked my old theme - any suggestions?
There are some themes that have horizontal lines that align with the toolbar and tab strip, and do something like you want. I think you can find most of them in the Solid Themes category.
Hi, thank you for replying. I’m trying to make a theme as in next added picture (it is the preview before uploading to Mozilla). Every theme i make, i get it in one colour (when published). Want to make it dual colour (tabs one colour and the active lower bar with everything on it another colour).
Not quite like that. You can make a theme that is one color (or design) for the entire tab bar and a different one for the rest. But it’s not possible to have a separate color for the selected tab.
Why is not possible to change selected tab colour? Themes are nice idea, but all themes next to original firefox theme have this big problem. Its nice look, but really hard for orientation, is hard to see which tab is selected etc… Is here something, how to do this better? I need to have it nice and also easy for orientation, need to do difference between selected and unselected tab, maybe change color of some icon to be visible.
Hi, Jorge, thank you for clearing this for me… I was really confused when i was trying to make a likeable theme and just couldn’t.
I think this suggestion distinguishes nicely the active tab from the others and connects the tab with options.
There are thousands of themes, and that is great, yet most of them are unusable, because you can’t really read the text well on most of them.
Maybe you could forward this idea to other developers as an option. Also, there should be option to lighten or not the upper part. Also, the preview of theme in making is not clear enough.
Thanks, have a nice day.
Oh, another suggestion, Jorge, since you are the Add-ons Developer Relations Lead:
It would be nice to open Thunderbird inside Firefox.
Why doesn’t Mozilla make a Thunderbird add-on in Firefox with full
e-mail functionality and a simple mail notification in header, when
add-on is not in use (say an envelope animation, that tells you when to
open add-on and check on mail. Well, the envelope would also be an
actual add-on starter)?
Ye, I agree, this is true “Also, there should be option to lighten or not the upper part. Also, the preview of theme in making is not clear enough”. I am doing Themes and everytime looks different in preview than in use. Please, improve it… It is nice idea, but not easy to do it. When is Theme in use and is not dark, orientation is hard, because we cannot see tabs good, how I said.
Maybe you should give SeaMonkey a look. It combines Firefox, Thunderbird, and a few other things into a single application. Firefox is meant to be very lightweight, so an entire email client would be too much IMO. However, some people prefer the all-in-one experience, and maybe that’s you.
Hi, well, opened thunderbird takes less than 130MB of memory, that is easily one video tab in firefox by size, even if the add-on would consume the same ram as now thunderbird. And it wouldn’t be opened all the time, just when you’d need to read/write the mail, so firefox would still remain lightweight (it would be an add-on). Just the notification part would be consuming some memory and cpu always, you’d have to make that lightweight. True, people have mail notifications on mobile devices, but this would also be nice.
I like Firefox and don’t wan’t to use another, probably also most of other users. Just hope “chrome-ing” the memory approach won’t make it annoying… Why don’t you try implementing some sort of “Memory fox” add-on approach - clearing not needed memory usage more often?
Also, if for some reason you have to start your window with semi-opened tabs a new, they all start loading (it’s annoying when you have like a hundred of them). It happens only, when the restore session didn’t work (or with two windows opened, you close the wrong one. Or installing on new computer,…) and you have to not-open them from saved folder of bookmarks. Is it possible the tabs would get their links and their titles without opening the webpage (so this info would have to be saved in advance in a text file for all bookmarks) until you click and open a specific tab?
Another suggestion would be a floating search field in bookmarks list and bookmarks bar extended list, where you could search for bookmarks, without opening a window of all bookmarks.
And a page slider bar on the right could have some ruller markings, so you could find stuff on long webpages easier when looking for specific content again. Maybe even a possibility for personal markings.
And a return function of the tabs - when you click on the opened tab, you jump to your previously opened tab (would be useful with lots of them opened).
Opened tab should be much wider than not opened ones. And where are already volume rockers?
Although you were google backed and now yahoo backed, you still are a community oriented browser, so you should listen to your community more… If you are volunteering for reviewing these comments, don’t take it personally.
Thank you for your comments.
Sure, it’s possible, but not a priority. Nobody’s working on making changes to the theme feature, so if you wanted somre progress you would need to implement it yourself or find someone who can do that for you. You could start with an extension, as a way to test the feature out.
I’m not a volunteer, but also not the right person to discuss Firefox features in general. You can post feature suggestions in this forum. Overall, though, you need lots of support in order to make big changes. I don’t think that integrating email into Firefox is going to be well-received, to be honest.