Hi there, I’m working as far only for ‘Common Voice’ (german section), and I’m therefore not so deeply involved in Deep Speech. (Sorry, if this is not the correct sub-forum; admins, please feel free to move it to the correct place, thanks)
I’m interested in the following: are there any projects dealing with ‘artificial speech output’? That is, the opposite of ‘understanding what was said/recorded/.wav.Files transcribing into written words (and therefore: understanding spoken commands’.
I’m interested, if any projects are out there, which deal with the way "putting written words (build together by humans or by AI-Converters, or by, let say a H-A-L computer from the sci-fi movie 2001 a space odyssey ) into a artificial voice output, normally titulated as a ‘computervoice’.
I have a more deeply question, but first, I need to know, to whom I have to deal with.