We’re going to have a special guest on our community meeting on the 11th of September 2019. The product manager of Firefox Monitor and Firefox Lockwise, Sandy Sage, is going to answer all of your questions regarding products.
If you want to ask anything to Sandy, please add your question here so we can address it during the call. You can also send your question to me or @giulia_g if you’re not comfortable sharing your question in public.
The community meeting is for you, and we would love to hear if you have any guest that you think we have to bring in the next community meeting. (:
Hey Sandy! Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions
My Lockwise Questions:
Are there any new features/enhancements still in the works for Lockwise or Monitor that you’re excited about?
Are we getting closer to being able to import passwords from all other browsers to Lockwise? Or at least the most popular ones: Chrome, Brave, Vivaldi, etc.
Are there any misconceptions about Lockwise or Monitor that we should know about so we can help put them to rest?
Are there any issues with Lockwise or Monitor that we as support helpers should be aware of? For example, Lockwise has been crashing recently. I know your team is aware of this & working hard on it tho