Assessment and help wanted on embedding video and audio (HTML)

Hi :wave:
I would really appreciate if anyone could kindly assess my work about embedding video and audio.

Since the “active learning” said “For an added bonus, you could try researching text tracks, and work out how to add some captions to your video”, I tried to make .vtt description file and add this into the video by using element.

However the description text doesn’t appear in the video…
Is this because my description file is wrong?

Thank you for your help! :blush:

my work:

active learning:

Hi @Risa

The .vtt file needs the Text “WEBVTT” on the first line (see this example).

As far as I understand kind="description" is an accompanying text for the video describing it and can’t be displayed like a subtitle. Try changing your kind to subtitles or captions.

You will then see the “CC” icon in the bottom right of the video where you can select “English” as the subtitle language:


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Hi Michael :wave:

Thank you so much for your advice!

I didn’t know that I had to write “WEBVTT” and that “descriptions” can’t be displayed in the video. Now I do!

I fixed and it worked! :blush:

Thank you,

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