Assessment Array 4

const birds = [ “Parrots”, “Falcons”, “Eagles”, “Emus”, “Caracaras”, “Egrets” ];

// Add your code here

let animal= birds.indexOf("Eagles");
birds.splice(animal, 1);
let newArray = [];

for (bird of birds) {

    let i = 0;
    if (birds[i].startsWith("E")) {


// Don’t edit the code below here!

section.innerHTML = ’ ';

const para1 = document.createElement(‘p’);
para1.textContent = eBirds;


Hello Daniel!

I think in your code there are two mistakes, first I’d suggest you to review how the for (of… ) loop is used.
Second, while creating the birds array I’d suggest to use a different type of quotes not “ but maybe ’

Happy coding! :smiley: