Assessment, function 1

I am learning functions and doing the exercise ‘Test your skills: functions’. Can anyone help me check my answer below if it is correct ?

const names = [‘Chris’, ‘Li Kang’, ‘Anne’, ‘Francesca’, ‘Mustafa’, ‘Tina’, ‘Bert’, ‘Jada’];
const para = document.createElement(‘p’);

// Add your code here

function chooseName() {
para.innerHTML = names[Math.floor(Math.Random() * names.length)];

// Don’t edit the code below here!

section.innerHTML = ’ ';


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Hi @JabriJuhinin93 and welcome to the community :wave:

Congratulations! Your code is correct.

If you plan on doing more tasks it would be helpful if you could share your code in an online editor like, or It’s much easier when we can look at running code. Thank you :blush:

Have a nice day,

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