Assessment Needed for "Structuring Planet Data"

Hello, all.

I’m looking for an assessment to the MDN guide on tables called, “Structuring Planet Data”.

Here is the assessment page.

Here is my CodePen.

Thanks for your help.

Thanks to MDN for making all this educational content free!

Hello @pgmorales76

you doing great well done just few notice :

  1. for colgroup your solution is fine but if you check it here

it will complain about missing coloum so to fix it you need to provide same number or column in colgroup same as the column in your table

so it be

      <col span="2">
      <col style="border: 2px solid rgb(0, 0, 0)">
      <col span="9">
  1. your comment was nice in your code

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the assessment.

I took a screenshot of the validator and it outputs this:

That’s what you’re referring to, right?

What do you mean by “you need to provide same number or column in colgroup same as the column in your table”?

I’m not sure what “A table row was 12 columns wide and exceeded the column count established using column markup (3)” means, either!

Thanks for your kind words about the commentary. It helps explain how to write proper code.

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yes that what i am referring to

ops it’s my usual typo :joy:

you need to provide same number of (of not or) column in colgroup same as the column in your table

count the number of the column of your table you will find it’s 12 column so the colgroup should have 12 column also

so if you count the number of column in my code for colgroup you will find it 12
first one is 2 cause span will be counted as 2 here and then single column which you add the style to it then another 9 span

and check this to know the power of colgroup

hope that explain it better this time and have a nice day :slight_smile:

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Now it makes sense! Thanks for helping me understand!


you very welcome @pgmorales76

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