I would like to have an assessment on the assessment mentioned in this page:
My Code
Code - mdnassessments/structuring-planet-data at main · mariaringes/mdnassessments · GitHub
Code Deployed - Table template
Thank you,
Maria Ringes
I would like to have an assessment on the assessment mentioned in this page:
My Code
Code - mdnassessments/structuring-planet-data at main · mariaringes/mdnassessments · GitHub
Code Deployed - Table template
Thank you,
Maria Ringes
Hello @maria_ringes
you doing great well done and here some notice :
<th scope="row" rowspan="4" colspan="2">Terrestrial planets</th>
also same issue for the following element
<th scope="row" rowspan="4">Jovian planets</th>
<th scope="row" rowspan="2">Gas giants</th>
<th scope="row" rowspan="2">Ice giants</th>
<th scope="row" colspan="2">Dwarf planets*</th>
and this * is typo
hope that help and have a nice day
Thank you @justsomeone! Changes have been made
you welcome @maria_ringes and well done